The decision about when your child should start school can be a hard one to make. Many people think that being school ready means that your child must know how to read and write but these skills are often secondary… Continue Reading >
By Susan Spelic Cuddling with our kids for a relaxing bedtime story is a beautiful routine. Regular reading and talking with our kids about our day (without distractions) develops oral language, vocabulary and feelings of security while building a… Continue Reading >
In 1997, my sister insisted on being called ‘Hannah’ for 6 months… what’s the big deal you ask? Well, that wasn’t her birth name she just decided Hannah suited her more and that until she decides differently that’s her name…. Continue Reading >
Falling pregnant with my first child was the best feeling in the world. There was so much to think about and so many decisions to make but what I didn’t realize is that naming our baby was to be one… Continue Reading >