Exercise Tips for Busy Mums

As a busy mum, how do you keep yourself motivated to exercise when we have other priorities like household chores, work, and taking care of children? Well, I am here to share some tips on how to fit exercise into… Continue Reading >

How to Keep Your Kids Motivated to be Active this Winter

Keeping your kids active is not only an important habit that will benefit them throughout their lifetime but it is a great way to burn their energy which may help them be more restful at night and have a better… Continue Reading >

The tempting thing to actually avoid when your child reports comments about their body

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au or Facebook page Bayside Dietetics   Maya (identifying details in this story have been changed) came to see me regarding her son this week. With the return to school, she was feeling anxious… Continue Reading >

Fun Ways to Keep Children Learning During School Holidays

Understandably, it can be difficult for children to remain motivated and engaged with their learning while on holidays. After all, they’ve just spent the past two or three months reading, writing, counting and problem-solving, so it’s only fair that they’re… Continue Reading >

How to Stay Motivated When You Have No Motivation

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated, especially when you are juggling lock downs, children, a career and a family.  The reason people find themselves unmotivated could be because they are not seeing the bigger picture.  When things are… Continue Reading >

The Top Five Problems Encountered by Parents and How to Combat them by Jason Kimberley, Cool Australia

As many students embark on a staggered return to the classroom home learning is not off our radars just yet. As many states and territories begin trialling back to school in various forms the pressure is still on parents to… Continue Reading >

Motivated To Learn From Home; According To Your Child’s Nature

Completing school work at home can be exhausting especially with the bribing, pushing and pleading. Not to mention the worrying thoughts that you’re not being the best stay-at-home, work-from-home, parent-teacher-mum during lock-down. When you recognise the Nature of your child,… Continue Reading >

5 top ways for Aussie families to save money this year

By Kirsty Lamont, Director and Money expert at Mozo   Whether it’s for an emergency fund or a holiday with the kids, it’s no secret saving money sits on the wishlist of many Aussie families. However, with so many expenses… Continue Reading >