Because being kind is good for everyone

Media kindly brought to you by Sudocrem   Have you ever found yourself captivated by a heartfelt story of how a random act of kindness helped make a difference in someone’s life? We become enamored by the details of how… Continue Reading >

What A Character!

When people pass away you find out things you didn’t know about them before. I find eulogies interesting because you always learn something about someone that you thought you knew well but there’s always something you didn’t know – even… Continue Reading >

Stopping domestic violence starts in early childhood

Violence against women is preventable because we know that the cycle of violence starts with disrespect. Violence stems from sexist attitudes and disrespect of women and girls such as: that women and girls aren’t as good as men and boys, don’t deserve… Continue Reading >

Tips To Support Our Kids This School Year 2021 | Justin Coulson | Ep 144

  Today we welcome back a familiar face, For anyone who may not not know who Dr Justin Coulson is, which I don’t think there would be many at all, Justin is one Australia’s most trusted and respected parenting experts… Continue Reading >

The Spirit of Christmas in a COVID-19 Year

 by Krissy Regan Many people are not ready to think about Christmas yet and I don’t blame them – I’m not quite there yet myself.  I confess I feel a bit worried about Christmas because I see so many families… Continue Reading >

Sowing the Seeds of Kindness

When I was ten, we moved from Brisbane, Australia, to live in Oregon, USA, for a year. This meant going to a new school in a new city and making new friends. Due to the differences in school years, I… Continue Reading >

Sex After Childbirth

People may warn you about how your life will change when you have a baby. Yet nothing really prepares you for the reality! You knew you would feel tired, but now realise that you didn’t really know what that really… Continue Reading >

Communication in Isolation

Every action has a reaction. Everybody throughout the world is going through the same thing – isolation. Some of us have become more isolated than others, while others who are more familiar with feeling disconnected are finding themselves less lonely…. Continue Reading >

The Power of Words

When I was a child there was a saying ‘Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. How wrong is that? Many years later I heard a wise person say it should be ‘Sticks and… Continue Reading >

When we think we are too small to make a difference! Small daily actions can lead to big changes.

I saw a quote the other day from the founder of The Body Shop, Anita Rodick, it read: “If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room!” How simple!… Continue Reading >