Separation anxiety: An essential guide for parents

Media kindly brought to you by Goodstart Early Learning   Nervous about your child starting at an early learning centre or kindergarten? Many parents are. Below are some tips from a psychologist, to ensure it’s a smooth transition for your… Continue Reading >

Supporting your child’s transition to school

The transition from kindergarten to school is an important and special time for families. In school, your child will build on the valuable skills they’ve learnt in kindergarten as they take on exciting new challenges and learning experiences. Your child’s… Continue Reading >

Time to Let Go!

With holidays now over and school and child care happening, many parents have to face that phase of getting their children comfortable with the idea of returning to school.  For many children, particularly those who are just starting child care,… Continue Reading >

Eight vital skills children develop in early learning and care settings

Here are eight vital skills your child can develop in an early learning and care setting. Confidence Children build confidence when they are able to master new skills in a supportive environment at their own pace. In early learning and… Continue Reading >

Getting Ready for Kindy

It’s that nerve racking time for many parents. The end of the holidays and start of a brand new year. Such a bittersweet time isn’t it? Getting children ‘ready’ for their first day of formal schooling is a topic that… Continue Reading >

5 Tips for getting ready on time for school

The kids have gone back to school and so the morning struggle to get out of the door on time has once again begun. So I have drawn on what worked in his kindergarten years as well as advice given… Continue Reading >


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Kiddipedia Is Proud to Announce Partnership with Starting Blocks.

Kiddipedia is committed to helping build a bigger, better Australia by providing an evidence-based resource that includes content written by subject matter experts and thought leaders. In doing so, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Starting Blocks. Kiddipedia’s… Continue Reading >

The importance of music and movement in childhood

Music is such a powerful tool. It is one of the few experiences that uses both sides of the brain at the same time, can be associated with memories, can be used as a form of therapy and let’s face… Continue Reading >

Bringing in the bed

Featured content brought to you “Shop Inside” As your baby grows you tick a number of milestones off the list. Rolling, solid food, crawling, walking…….finally the day comes where it’s time to bid farewell to the cot and move to… Continue Reading >