63% of Australians stress about money with 54% concerned about the impact of rising interest rates Three-quarters of Aussies shocked by recent electricity and gas bills with 37% struggling to pay bills More people (8% lift) cutting back on discretionary… Continue Reading >
We know all too well the pressures for parents and carers who have been supporting their children’s education through remote learning over the last 18 months have been intense. Especially for families in Victoria due to the ongoing and… Continue Reading >
Throughout 2020, COVID-19 had a profound impact on how we work and learn. The long-term effects of the pandemic on our society will likely be a matter of discussion and debate for years to come. This article will demonstrate how… Continue Reading >
When a family member or friend suffers the loss of their much loved baby, you may not always know what to say or do. You may be feeling helpless and powerless and quite distressed yourself. Bears of Hope Pregnancy and… Continue Reading >
By Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet Time and time again I hear this question, “Am I doing Enough?” AND I also ask myself the following questions on a regular basis. Am I doing enough to help? Am I working hard… Continue Reading >
Could the words you use with your children today make them more susceptible to peer pressure in the future? The other day Aimee and I were walking back from swimming where we saw a little boy about to jump off… Continue Reading >
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