Handy tips for a gut-friendly Easter

Bianca Maree Harrington, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Microba Lead Microbiome Coach   Amidst everything going on in the world, many children (and big kids!) are looking forward to Easter. This means time for sweet treats, including chocolate and small family… Continue Reading >

The Battle of Breakfast

Breakfast for kids: I really wish it was a simpler topic, to be honest! Breakfast is an absolute rollercoaster in my house at the moment, with kids not eating and then wanting to eat as soon as we get in… Continue Reading >

What is the gut microbiome and how can it impact my child’s health?

The gut microbiome is often talked about for health and wellbeing but what is it and how does it impact your child’s health now and into the future?  What is the gut microbiome?  The gut microbiome refers to the micro-organisms (living… Continue Reading >

Beat the Winter Blues – A Nutritionist Shares the Ultimate Good Food for You

We all know a change in weather can result in a change of mood. Between the darker days and the freezing winds to stop you from venturing outdoors, it’s no surprise that the temperature outdoors can affect what’s happening inside… Continue Reading >

Including veggies in your kids’ favourite recipes

We might never know the answer to the age-old question that is ‘why do some kids have an aversion to veggies?’ Nonetheless, parents need to get creative to make sure their little ones are getting their daily dose of vitamins,… Continue Reading >

The school Lunchbox. Easy changes that make a difference.

Sarah Smith, APD, Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Or join Facebook at Bayside Dietetics   You can get lost in the world of buying the latest supplement or superfood to boost your child’s health. Unfortunately, there won’t always be much evidence behind… Continue Reading >

The ultimate essentials your baby needs for holiday travel!

Plan for sleep these summer holidays! When travelling with a newborn or toddler it’s essential to ensure you prepare a comfortable environment for the little cherubs to rest and sleep. If you’ve travelled with little humans, when it comes to sleeping on… Continue Reading >