If you are a new parent, babysitter, or nursery teacher, you should know that playing is one of the most important ways children learn necessary educational & life skills. Besides promoting social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills, play-based learning encourages… Continue Reading >
The first trimester gets a bad rap – often pregnancy symptoms feel overwhelming – tiredness nausea, sometimes vomiting, feeling vague, emotional, and lightheaded. There is also a feeling of mild anxiety for many parents about things like whether the pregnancy… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by Music Beat Throughout history, music has been a useful teaching tool to support children’s learning and development. For thousands of years, the creation of music has helped children develop social, emotional, cognitive and… Continue Reading >
By Joshua Cavanagh As a first-time parent to a daughter of 7 months, I have found parenting to be a never-ending journey filled with highs, lows, ups, and downs. But, for the most part, it has been filled with… Continue Reading >
Emotional Intelligence is not a new concept or a new collection of skills for people. It’s really nothing new and fancy, and yet in the last 20 to 30 years, it has completely risen up to the forefront of a… Continue Reading >
Is it important for a parent to stay calm when having to face an emotional child? Yes. It is critical for parents to remain calm when dealing with an emotional child for several reasons. First, two highly emotional individuals typically… Continue Reading >
Perfectionism is not a healthy habit. Even less so when it comes to motherhood, unless you’re keen to rub shoulders with overwhelm, resentment, rage and the feeling of never being satisfied, which can eventually lead to maternal burnout. Here is… Continue Reading >
As the world has been navigating the unpredictability of the pandemic, there is an increasing need to have hope and optimism for what the next year may bring, although there is a slight tinge of trepidation. Approaching the year with… Continue Reading >
By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet It’s been a whirlwind year hasn’t it. From one end of the country to the other I’ve seen people suffering, and others having enormous success, and some just surviving. It’s no secret that… Continue Reading >
As we say goodbye to warmer summer temperatures here in the southern hemisphere, it signals a step change. A time to recuperate and rest after a busy summer. Winter is a time to slow down, go inward and spend some… Continue Reading >
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