Intentional Parenting: Nurturing Resilience, Authenticity, and an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Child

Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging journeys in life. In an ever-changing world, our role as parents extends beyond providing for our children’s basic needs; we must also equip them with the essential skills to thrive. The… Continue Reading >

How to Unwrap Your Growth Mindset this Christmas

by Dr. Scott Zarcinas   Author and psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck, penned these opening words of his bestselling book, The Road Less Traveled, over 40 years ago: “Life is difficult.” No other words better describe how many of us are… Continue Reading >

How to sneak in lots of energy for your child.

By Sarah Smith, Accredited Practising Dietitian FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic   The Survivors are currently hungry. That is, reports are that the next season of Survivor is currently in filming mode. So that makes for some… Continue Reading >

Teaching Your Kids to Say ‘NO’

As parents, we spend an enormous amount of time and effort trying to get our kids to say ‘yes’. Yes to eating veggies, yes to bedtime, yes to putting away toys, yes to cleaning teeth, yes to a multitude of… Continue Reading >

The day I said YES!

I had a ‘yes’ day, a day of only saying ‘yes’ to my kids. It made me realise two things: my kids are pretty fun, and I say ‘no’ far too often. I realised I say ‘no’ to little things… Continue Reading >