On a plane, we are required to fit our oxygen masks before taking care of our children. This is because we can only help our children if we help ourselves first. Similarly, we can’t expect them to have a positive… Continue Reading >
The kids have been back at school for a couple of months and you probably have had it already with colds and gastros, and all the winter bugs are looming. What if you could kick-start your child’s immune system, I… Continue Reading >
By Sarah Smith, Accredited Practising Dietitian www.baysidedietetics.com.au FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic Last year I blogged about a really important nutrient for kids, calcium. Strangely, a calcium deficiency has no side effect – it leaves you… Continue Reading >
By Sarah Smith, Accredited Practising Dietitian www.baysidedietetics.com.au FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic Jenna is average. Jenna has a couple of kids, a dog and a mortgage. One day, Jenna decides she doesn’t want to average any… Continue Reading >
If you’re a couple of months into your pregnancy, the temptation to give into those ice cream cravings and hang out on the couch is probably growing as fast as your baby is! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so important… Continue Reading >
If you didn’t put too much thought into your food choices before you fell pregnant, you might be feeling a little lost when it comes to your pregnancy diet. If you were a healthy weight before you fell pregnant, you… Continue Reading >
By Sarah Smith, Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Twitter #BaysideDietetic FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics As a new dietitian, I remember talking to a family about a high energy diet for their child. Actually, I don’t, but I do remember what… Continue Reading >
The short answer? True! And it makes sense – almost everything your baby needs to grow and develop is provided by you. Nutrients that power your body are extracted from food and carried through the placenta into your baby’s bloodstream…. Continue Reading >
Gluten is one popular and controversial topic! Despite the boom in gluten-free products, the health claims made around gluten, and the number of people claiming to eat gluten-free, many of us don’t actually know what gluten is or how it… Continue Reading >
Content written by The Organic Butler Becoming an adult means that growth and development are done and dusted, but it sure doesn’t mean that it’s ok to ignore the core principles of healthy eating. The fact that there is no net… Continue Reading >
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