Education can be a real battleground for parents, particularly if your child has a diagnosis or disability. It can be a battle to find the right educational setting for your child, let alone getting your child’s needs met. It can… Continue Reading >
Being the month of Halloween, everything scary is on the cards. But you’d be surprised to know what the scariest face for children is. It’s not the Dracula mask or ghoulish witch, it is a blank face. Scientists have run… Continue Reading >
We know that we should speak to our kids and model good language. It is how they learn vocabulary and communicate. When toddlers don’t feel heard, they might turn their frustrations into a tantrum. Oh, the joys! As parents and… Continue Reading >
Those first few days when you get home after birth can seem the most daunting, bewildering but also a glorious time. When I brought my first child home, many years ago now…eek. I had no idea what I was meant… Continue Reading >
Vocabulary development or, to ‘know the meaning of a wide variety of words and the structure of written language’ (Five from is one of the 5 Keys to Reading. When we compare the types of words in say, Eric… Continue Reading >
By Dr Kelly Bowers, Youthrive Clinical Psychologist Goal-setting is one of the most important things you can do in order to live the life you want for yourself and your family. While the benefits of setting goals are often… Continue Reading >
There are lots of people out there with an opinion on how to introduce solids to your baby. Well-meaning grandmas, celebrity chefs, the random lady down the street. You name it, they have a great plan for what you should… Continue Reading >
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