10 Cheap Ways to Keep Children Cool this Summer

We can’t stop the summer heat but what we can do is keep our children cool during this time. Most of us don’t have air conditioners at home so we have to rely on other means for our children to… Continue Reading >

Summer is a Scorcher – Keep your little ones cool

Sleep experts share tips to help your family beat the heat This summer is proving to be a scorcher, so experts are recommending keeping little ones indoors to make sure they’re cool and safe. The last thing parents want is… Continue Reading >

Teaching kids to be cool and calm

The idea of modelling good and appropriate behaviours to our kids is one that is close to my heart. As a clinical psychologist, I am increasingly dismayed by the rising levels of mental health issues in our beautiful country, and… Continue Reading >

Getting back-to-school ready!

Dietitian Sharon Natoli shares the lunchbox hacks the whole family should know.  Sharon’s top tips: As kids head back to school in the summertime, it’s important to take steps to keep the lunchbox cool to reduce the growth of any… Continue Reading >

Conflict resolution amongst families during the festive season

The festive season represents many good things for most people. Family time, laughter, celebration, gifts and generally hanging with close friends and family. It also represents tough times for others – people who are alone and don’t have families or… Continue Reading >

Keeping Your Cool

Is it important for a parent to stay calm when having to face an emotional child? Yes. It is critical for parents to remain calm when dealing with an emotional child for several reasons. First, two highly emotional individuals typically… Continue Reading >

Preventing Burns and Scalds this National Burns Awareness Month

Nearly twenty-five years ago in the small coastal town of Port Fairy, eight-year-old Shennel was happily playing in her room when a candle that was on her dressing table caused her t-shirt to catch fire. Scared and panicked, she ran… Continue Reading >