Sleeping arrangements for twins or triplets

One of the main concerns many parents have when they take their twins or triplets home is what they should do in regards to the sleeping arrangements of their little ones. Should they go into separate cots? Bassinets? Let them… Continue Reading >

Toys and Gender

For many years retail stores have marketed toys and clothes to specific genders because it’s an easier way for them to reach their target buyers, but this has led to parents and often children feeling like they should only play… Continue Reading >

Helping Children Overcome Worry

I remember growing up I was what you’d call a “worry wart” because I’d worry about all sorts of trivial things. But today that’s not the case. I actually worry about very little! In fact, now you could call me… Continue Reading >

“My partner does not eat his greens, is he going to be a bad role model to your child?” A shared feeding journey.

New mum Karen recently asked this question in my Facebook group: “My son is 12 months old and is a good eater. What can I do to continue this into his adult life, if my husband won’t even eat his… Continue Reading >

Talk to your children about Mental Health

According to recent research, approximately 560 000 Australian Children and Adolescents have experienced a mental disorder in the past year. That is one in seven 4-17 year olds. A whopping 65 % of teenagers have searched the internet for information… Continue Reading >