Fidget toys have become increasingly popular, and you may have noticed ads for fidget toys popping up in your Facebook newsfeed, or in other social media channels. This may be a new concept for you, but Occupational Therapists have for… Continue Reading >
“I can’t get to sleep. The meeting didn’t go well this morning, and I have to talk to my boss tomorrow. Could I have done something differently, and how will I handle tomorrow? I just want my head to be quiet.” … Continue Reading >
If you’re looking for the best educational toys for kids, Totli is your go-to destination. Development toys for kids can boost creativity, enhance motor development and problem-solving skills.
Getting children to bed at night isn’t just important for preserving the sanity of the parents. It’s vital for the healthy development of young brains too. Researchers in the UK found a correlation between consistent bedtimes during early childhood and… Continue Reading >
By Jacqueline Yeats In a world where busyness is often a badge of honour, teaching our children the art of mindfulness and the practice of yoga might just be the counterbalance needed for a healthier, more grounded generation. Mindfulness and… Continue Reading >
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, teaching children the art of mindfulness is like giving them a superpower. This essential life tool lays the groundwork for emotional well-being and equips them to navigate life’s currents with clarity of… Continue Reading >
Can you work with kids yelling and screaming? Are you able to get things done when kids are playing and making so much noise? I can’t and I actually hate it. Yep, I’m a mum to three kids that cannot… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by ECOSA Sleep. The quality of our day depends on it and our bodies ability to function effectively. Everybody knows the terrible feeling when you wake from a poor nights sleep: the foggy mind… Continue Reading >
Studies show that nutritional status can directly affect how well children do at school. Things like iron deficiency impact cognition and being low in other vitamins and minerals such as thiamine, vitamin E, vitamin B, iodine, and zinc, are shown… Continue Reading >
Brain Gym movements unite the brain, body and the senses improving overall brain function in areas such as concentration, memory recall, reading and writing, organisation skills, physical coordination and more. When you can access more areas of the brain, and use… Continue Reading >
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