I cannot stand eating with my children 

What you can and cannot control at the dinner table Is dinner stressing you? Perhaps you even dread it! You may remember a time when dinner was bliss. After a day at work, you would catch up with friends or… Continue Reading >

Five Ways to Help Your Child Break the Cycle of Anxiety

It can be tough to watch your child struggle with anxiety and even the most well-meaning parents at times say things that may end up exacerbating anxious feelings, instead of alleviating them. If your child is suffering from an anxiety… Continue Reading >

How to help your child speak confidently to adults

By Kasey Lloyd, Youthrive Psychologist   Why do some children find it easy to converse with family friends, professionals, and strangers while others struggle to whisper ‘hello’? Some researchers suggest we are born with different temperaments, while others suggest that… Continue Reading >

3 Ways to Avert Bullying

What social psychology can teach us about how to deal with bullying. We all have days when people are not particularly nice to us but bullying is a whole new level of mean that can leave people feeling completely disempowered…. Continue Reading >

Mental health issues for Primary School children

By Marianne Connolly It’s the question every parent eventually faces: “Is it normal for children to react like this, or could there be a mental health issue?” I really empathise with parents.  There is so much information out there and… Continue Reading >

Kintsugi Can Teach Us So Much

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of mending precious pottery with gold. It is said that the bowl has increased value after repair because it has become unique, it has a rich history and the repairer has an affinity to it… Continue Reading >