It’s really quite easy to make a child (or even an adult) with food allergies feel safe, included and welcome at a party that involves food. It’s our job as parents to teach our children to be kind and inclusive… Continue Reading >
It is now commonplace to walk down the health aisle of your supermarket and be faced with a wall of ‘kids dietary supplements. From gummies to bars, powders and shakes, the choices are overwhelming for any parent. But does your… Continue Reading >
If you’re a parent looking for an easy way to support your child’s education and ability to do better in school, then you’re in the right place. Today, we take a closer look at our diet and what foods… Continue Reading >
If you’re expecting, & or are a new Mum, & have general questions & concerns about the health benefits of breastfeeding then you’re in the right place. Today we speak with Melanie McGrice, a leading pre & postnatal dietician, who… Continue Reading >
For most people “let’s go to the beach” means everyone put their cozies on, grab some towels and let’s go! But not for us. Allergies and anaphylaxis aside there is thought and strategic planning that goes into a “spontaneous” afternoon… Continue Reading >
Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance, Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy, Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance, milk allergy. These are the most common allergies in infants, affecting approximately 1 in 10 infants under the age of 1. For my allergy baby, this was where our… Continue Reading >
BY Stephanie Holdsworth Allerchic As Shrove Tuesday comes around every year my heart is warmed by a memory of inclusion, from my daughters Pre-School years. Our preschool like many others loved to celebrate all the culturally significant dates on the… Continue Reading >
Recently the government called for an inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis. From reading the submissions and listening to the public hearings in Melbourne and Sydney, one thing is very clear. Food labels need to be improved because getting it wrong… Continue Reading >
Introducing Solids is an exciting milestone for mother and baby and also a period of great learning. Recent changes around recommendations for the introduction of allergies, have resulted in much confusion when it comes to how, when and what to… Continue Reading >
My Food Allergy Friends Australia’s dedicated provider of educational allergy resources. The aim of the program is to help parents educate their children about allergies using the books and resources. Childcare centres and schools can put the Food Allergy Smart Program in place by using our… Continue Reading >
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