The 10 Reasons for Motherhood Burnout

A few years ago, one of my mentors, Brandi MacDonald — a social worker and trauma-informed counsellor who works with chiropractors — wrote an article about how chiropractors were getting burnout in the healing profession. It sparked something within me,… Continue Reading >

Instilling values in your child

A bunch of words Every day you use words. They float around in your head and express themselves in your words and actions. You react and respond to the thoughts in your head whether they be positive or negative. Your… Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Role-model Resilience (when you’re struggling)

By Hannah Davison   Turn back the clock four years to 12:02 am, Monday, 14th November 2016. I held my son as the violent 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake wreaked havoc around us. It tore through our home with a monstrous… Continue Reading >

Voicing Your Vision

Oftentimes in the world of entrepreneurship/business, you hear the term “vision” and the phrase- you must have a vision. So, what is a vision? A vision is a pictorial representation (visual image) of a culmination of plans, goals, and actions…. Continue Reading >

So do you feel like your child/children never listen?

Like most parents, I find that half the things I say to my children go in one ear and out the other or they do listen but decide not to do what I have asked so this is where I… Continue Reading >

Be a hands on teacher

I was at the children’s playground one day with my niece and nephew, and being the big kid I am, I decided to climb a tree. You’ll never guess what happened…   There’s  no doubting the importance of free range… Continue Reading >

10 ways to incorporate more music into your child’s day

From your child’s first day of life to approximately five years, 90% of their brain development occurs. Every sight, smell, sound and sensation makes an impact. Your babies brain develops through use, therefore your baby needs an environment that provides… Continue Reading >

Opinion Piece: Raising Boys Today

“Slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails; that’s what little boys are made of.”   “Boys will be boys.”   “Man up.”   “You throw, like a girl.”   “You cry, like a girl.”   It is constantly built in… Continue Reading >