

Media kindly brought to you by Sudocrem


Have you ever found yourself captivated by a heartfelt story of how a random act of kindness helped make a difference in someone’s life?

We become enamored by the details of how the very act of generosity and selflessness, doing something for someone else without wanting anything in return, creates a sense of community and belonging to something greater than ourselves, that being the greater good. An altruistic and benevolent act simply devoted to being kind, just because.

Exquisitely acts of kindness beget acts of kindness. Positivity breeds positivity and unknowingly what we create is a momentum that spreads the messages of kindness further. Inadvertently, reading stories of generosity sparks something innate within us, it triggers and instills an intrinsic yearning to want to do the same.

The saying is true, no one has ever become poor by giving, we only become richer as a result of it. We make a living by what we get, but make a life by what it is we choose to give to others. We all know the feeling of being the receiver of a random act of kindness. Better still is the feeling you receive when you bestow and give to others, oh to see the joy on the receiver’s face, there isn’t anything better than the feeling. Why?!? well because being kind is good for everyone.

It is a great reminder for us to remember the spirit of giving doesn’t have to be monetary or material, it simply can be the beneficence of time and the charitableness of offering support to those who need it the most. In most cases, that is of more value. Even at home and within our four walls, it’s mindful for us to realise the very act of caring for your family, your baby is an act of love and kindness every day.

When we open our hearts to sharing stories of the kindness in our lives, and what is important to us, unknowingly it can help make a difference in another person’s mental health. Heartfelt stories have the power to lift and shift perspective of someone’s ability to cope with the daily struggles of life and or just to support their general wellbeing, which in turn inspires momentum to continue passing it on.

It did take me a while to reconcile the relevance of skincare giant Sudocrem’s offer of an ‘Acts of Kindness’ competition, and it felt like a true lightbulb moment when I understood – the very act of offering a substantial amount of prize money for no reason other than to promote acts of kindness everywhere IS kindness.

A girlfriend of mine was having a really tough time. She had moved away from family, there had been a great deal of ruckus within the family about the property, and now her father was dying. I was looking after her children, not as she tended to her father, but when she popped away for a restorative weekend with her husband. She needed time. I had time. When she came back, it was incredible to see how much energy she had, how much clarity, and how happy she felt. It was worth it, and it was easy for me to help with as I had small children the same age, we were already planning on a home holiday at the pyjama resort (aka – change from one set of pj’s into a clean set before bedtime!) and it was a case of ‘the more the merrier’.  She was grateful (for the break) and I was grateful (for the break!).

You can imagine how the initial conversation played out. How on earth would we repay each other? Should I go away for a weekend (I did not want to, nor did I need to)? She kept saying how transformative it was for her. I kept reiterating how easy it was for me to have helped because it truly wasn’t a big deal.

And then we realised what a sustainable transaction looked like within a friendship – doing something really lovely for someone else that has a tremendously high impact on the recipient, but it has to be super easy (low input) for you to do.

Why you may ask… Quite simply because this means you will have the energy to give again, and again, and again, and as individuals and as a community, the world will literally be a better place for it!

Columbia University doctor Kelli Harding has been examining the phenomenon in her recent book, The Rabbit Effect. She says: “It (kindness) helps the immune system, blood pressure, it helps people to live longer and better. It’s pretty amazing because there’s an ample supply and you can’t overdose on it. There’s a free supply. It’s right there.”

Here we were, experiencing the contagiousness of kindness as we then set about outdoing each other with acts of kindness, and our little families were relishing it. It was really important to us that we recognised what it was that made the acts so kind, and we’re happy with the imbalance in the transaction. To give a little to receive a lot.

And here is Sudocrem giving a prize pool to switch everyone’s focus, even if just for a moment, to encourage us to promote acts of kindness. Thank you Sudocrem for the gentlest of nudges!

We all enjoy reading a story of an act of kindness and how it can make us feel we too can incorporate kindness in our everyday lives

We would love to know, what is your story?

Sudocrem’s Act of Kindness Campaign:

Sudocrem has launched an Acts of Kindness campaign that encourages you to share stories of acts of kindness or nominate someone in your life that has shown an act of kindness. This is for the chance to win an astounding $5K for yourself (or a nominated person) and $5K for a charity of your choice. The winner will be chosen randomly, as, after all, each and every act of kindness is worthy.

To enter, visit or tag your story or post on socials with #sudocremactsofkindness