“Stop Scratching!” ….”I Can’t Help It!!!” comes Miss eight’s agitated reply! And that’s the thing, they really can’t help it. Eczema is a non-contagious reoccurring rash that it is always accompanied by itching. The rash itself can be dry &… Continue Reading >
So we are all well & truly back to school right now, and no doubt for some of you, your child’s eczema has decided to go right off the deep end! The first few weeks back to school can be… Continue Reading >
For most people “let’s go to the beach” means everyone put their cozies on, grab some towels and let’s go! But not for us. Allergies and anaphylaxis aside there is thought and strategic planning that goes into a “spontaneous” afternoon… Continue Reading >
BY Stephanie Holdsworth Allerchic As Shrove Tuesday comes around every year my heart is warmed by a memory of inclusion, from my daughters Pre-School years. Our preschool like many others loved to celebrate all the culturally significant dates on the… Continue Reading >
Mums are often quite surprised when I suggest that you CAN dress for eczema success. While my sisters were always dressing my nieces & nephew’s in super cute polar fleece PJs or onesies with all the fun superhero transfers or… Continue Reading >
It’s that time of the year again, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Awareness Week & last night on the news I saw a study looking into Allergies & Anaphylaxis in the pregnant mother. While I do love & welcome each & every… Continue Reading >
I know it’s not December yet but as any Allergy, Anaphylaxis or intolerance parent knows we need to be prepared. Leave it too late & there will be no allergy friendly options left. So Today we are talking “allergy, anaphylaxis… Continue Reading >
I’d never heard of molluscum contagiosum before. That was until my eczema & allergy girl came home from school with these strange pearls like spots. She was not sick with the arrival of this nasty virus. No temperatures, tummy or… Continue Reading >
One of the most asked questions we receive on the Allerchic Facebook page & community group is What doctor or healthcare professional should I see to help with my eczema. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the number of… Continue Reading >
Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) is most common in infants where it occurs in around 1 in 5 children under 2 years of age. It can also occur in older children and adults but usually improves with age. In… Continue Reading >
I didn’t start writing this article. I started writing a much different piece, asking you to please not be afraid to invite the kid with allergies & anaphylaxis to parties & sporting events. Explaining that us allergy parents have it… Continue Reading >
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