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AC Podiatry

AC Podiatry

Andrea Castello graduated from the University of South Australia in 1999 and has worked in the public and private sectors in both the country and the city.

After completing a Masters Degree in Health Services Management in 2006, Andrea decided it was time to put his education to work and start his own practice, which culminated in the inception of AC Podiatry in late 2007.

As a podiatrist, Andrea has spent much of his professional career refining his skills with particular attention given to biomechanical, sports and paediatric podiatry.

Whilst a podiatrist by profession, Andrea has a real passion for “gaming” which extends back to his days as a child, enjoying all that the old Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 had to offer


Kids Not Turning Their Game Off

“Kids!!  Dinner is ready!!” is the call that comes from the kitchen after my wife has worked hard preparing a meal fit for kings.  Silence ensues.  No rushing to the table, no calling out from wherever Master 13 and Miss… Continue Reading >

Gaming and Screen Time: Is this an issue in your home?

Have you found yourself frustrated with the seeming addiction your son or daughter has to their mobile device or gaming console?  Do you feel like you are somehow letting your child down by allowing them to spend so much time… Continue Reading >

How do you get a gamer kid to help around the house?

One of the challenges we all face as parents is that as our kids get older, having them help out around the house can become an ever-increasing challenge. Between cries of I’m tired or I’m too busy, to I forgot… Continue Reading >

Are “Online” friends, “Real’ friends?

“Hey Dad!!”, Master 14 begins as he bursts through the door which joins our kids retreat to out lounge room.  “Vertex and Straw just helped me get Platinum Support.  We capped two points with 4 and a half minutes left… Continue Reading >

Games List the kids will enjoy in this time of Isolation

As we are all aware, the world is in a little bit of a state now.  The Coronavirus and Covid-19 have placed the world into a spin and we are all doing our best to deal with our new reality,… Continue Reading >

Father’s Day 2020

There is no doubt that Father’s Day in 2020 is going to be a very different experience for so many dads around the world. The presence of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we go about our lives every… Continue Reading >

Dealing with a Gamer post COVID-19

With restrictions easing around Covid-19 and the Coronavirus, we are finding ourselves moving slowly back into our old lives. In my home state of South Australia, we are looking at cinemas and gyms being open, restaurants and pubs open to… Continue Reading >

Separated Dad

There is no doubt that we are experiencing very different times at present.  The restrictions on eating out, the debate around school closures, the selling out of toilet paper, it really is all surreal. In my every day life as… Continue Reading >



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