If you’ve already taken the first step and ceased hormonal contraception, you may not show signs of fertility for some weeks or months until your own hormones return to normal function. You may have regular bleeds but not observe the normal mucus changes indicating fertility. You may have long, irregular cycles with patches of mucus, but no recognisable Peak. These are signs that you haven’t yet started ovulating again, or that your cervix hasn’t recovered from the effect of the contraceptive and isn’t yet producing mucus which will support sperm.
In order for a woman to be fertile there must be the following:
- A satisfactory ovulation with adequate ovarian hormones, oestrogen and progesterone.
- Healthy sperm.
- An adequate cervical function to produce mucus which will enable healthy sperm cells to reach and fertilise the egg.
- Healthy fallopian tubes to allow sperm to reach the egg and to allow the embryo (baby) to reach the uterus.
- Healthy endometrium for implantation of the embryo.
- Emotional health and wellbeing are also essential for normal functioning of the woman’s reproductive system.
What can a woman’s chart tell her about these requirements for fertility?
Regular bleeding does not necessarily mean she is ovulating. Adequate levels of oestrogen and progesterone are needed to sustain the ovulatory process.
Healthy sperm are essential for fertility. To help with this, one type of mucus filters out the low-quality sperm. Keep in mind that couple fertility relies on the health of both partners.
The cervix produces various mucus types in response to the patterns of hormonal levels during the fertile phase of your cycle. These different types of mucus play a vital role in supporting sperm. Once contraceptives have ceased, it can take time for all of these mucus types to recover and to become fully functional. Some recover sooner than others.
It is important that your fallopian tubes are healthy, not just for when you are wanting to get pregnant. They too can be affected by contraception and my need time to recover and function effectively once contraception has ceased.
The endometrium responds to the hormones oestrogen and progesterone in every cycle. It needs to be healthy and responding adequately to these hormones to sustain and maintain a pregnancy.
You may have heard of stress cycles. These may be related to stressful situations, including illness, in a woman’s life. Each woman is unique and her ability to cope with various levels of stress may be reflected in her chart, according to her individual coping mechanisms.
Reproductive Health
It is important to consider these requirements of fertility as necessary for your health regardless of whether you are wanting to avoid or achieve pregnancy.
A woman’s Billings Ovulation Method® chart is like a window into her general and reproductive health. It is an accurate record of your reproductive hormones, the health of your cervix and the patterns of fertility and infertility throughout your cycle.
A chart indicates that the requirements for fertility are being met. It can also indicate that there is something not working as it should. It is an excellent resource to assist in monitoring reproductive health.
Your Billings Ovulation Method® tutor will help you work out what is happening. By charting accurately and correctly applying the Rules of the Billings Ovulation Method® you can achieve your goals for a healthier you!
Would you like to learn more?
You are invited to join the Billings LIFE free webinar during Natural Fertility Awareness Week 2022.
With this year’s them being “Fertility Literacy: Get the Know How”, the aim is to give women the “know how” about tracking (charting) their cycles accurately to see their times of fertility and infertility.
It is very liberating for a woman to have this knowledge as a reliable option to safeguard her reproductive health. Knowledge Empowers!
The free webinar, “Fertility Literacy in the Digital World ~ the best use of fertility tracking apps”, is being held on Monday 22nd August at 7:30pm AEST. The presentation has been designed to help you find a digital charting system that records your unique patterns of fertility and infertility by in conjunction with using the Billings Ovulation Method®.
For more information on how to register you can go to:
the website: https://www. billings.life/en/
the Billings LIFE Facebook page: https://fb.me/e/10MLh9IHI
If you’ve stopped contraception but still want to avoid pregnancy, it’s simply a matter of charting accurately and correctly applying the Rules of the Billings Ovulation Method®.