

“Many want it, but few can truly embrace it”

Knowing who you are, being honest about it. Knowing what you’re doing and why. Taking the risks associated with it and having the strength to live and tell your story is Confidence!

As an etiquette coach I work with individuals to empower their belief in self. By going through a series of programs and activities that will enriching self-awareness, self-worth and self-value. Taking inventory of your own attributes as well as your deficiencies; your thoughts associated with your behaviors and your manner of being and understanding.

Applying these same principles helps with reasoning which will enrich your communication as a parent which will aid you in understanding your kids better. As kids grow and develop it is a must that parents grow as well.

Being confident in parenting means being brave enough to trust when every fiber in your being is screaming “DON’T!” Knowing confidently that what you’ve poured into your children is the greatest of what you got in you. Always remembering to support them with guided grace to grow as through those growing pains. Make a mistakes (no twenty), allow your children to see you fall, it teaches them that “Life Happens When You’re Living” a lesson in not taking yourself so seriously.

Children learn from their parents because they trust what they see and are brave enough to follow their parents with effortless commitment, can’t get more confident than that. Ask yourself, why is it hard to honor your children with space and grace to make decision on their level?  Is it that you don’t trust what you taught them? Are you the do as I say, that’s it and that’s type of parent? Could it be that as a parent you are fearful of what you have consistently shown them?

How Do You See Your Life?

Is your life based on how other’s see and think about you? If so…why? If the answers you come up with are not acceptable even for you then trust me, none of it will serve your children well in the long run.

If there are things about you that you don’t like (fix it)! Take your children on a journey of self-reflection with you…this will be one of the greatest connection ever made between you and your children if you can believe it. Also, make subtle changes that will enrich your families’ engagement, be present in those situation, pull back when they need space, encourage when you hear a cry for help and  never crowd or insinuate yourself into a space. This is really where your confidence will need to shine. Teenage are kind of like Hollywood folk, they have to bring you into their world and as a parent you must be confident enough to honor your teen’s rights.

You Need Confidence to Be Successful In All Areas of Life

Have you ever heard the phrase “your attitude determines your latitude?” Your approach to most things determines how well you will fair in life situations. If you only see yourself the way others see you then you can only go as far as their view can take you.

My Bonus-Dad instilled this saying in me “Be the person you aspire to be long before you meet you meet the person you desire” know who you are first, before meeting the one. If your household is one where your children see you performing for attention or placating to your spouse for their attention. Be mindful because you will be laying the blueprint for your teen’s dating experiences. You want to always remain open to offer healthy conversation as it relates to giving your teen dating advice., sharing thought provoking options, how to preparing when don’t go as planned. This type of parent teen engagement empowers confidence, self-awareness in them. There are things that you will communicate nonverbally that are much more important than that which is said, so be careful…teens are precious cargo (smile).

You must be the stimulus behind the (stimuli) that captures success in your relationships.