Yvette Salvaris

Yvette Salvaris

2020 saw everyone’s life change, some people found themselves unemployed or working from home, there was home schooling, routines were upended and our general outlook on life changed.  All these factors took a toll on our mental health and wellbeing. They also made us have to think outside the box in order to get by.  As the saying goes good things can come out of strange situations.

My company stared off as a little side hustle writing education resources for higher education. I did this while working full time as a training manager. 6 years later its now a fully operation education and training company and my full time job. If someone had told me 6 years ago my little side gig would be what it is now I would have laughed at them!.

It can be hard for new parents to return to the workforce after having children. Trying to  find that delicate balance of home and work  can be challenging at the best of times. But what if I told you that setting up your own business is really not that hard?  Even if you are working, you can still set up your own side hustle, it’s a great way to future proof yourself and ensure that you will have a income no matter what. You will be surprised how easy it can be!

The first thing and the most important thing is that your side hustle should be something you will enjoy and feel comfortable doing. So before you do anything spend some time making a list of all the things you enjoy doing.  Include your hobbies, anything you like to do in your spare time its all relevant. You will be surprised at what you come up with. Keep in mind the more you enjoy doing something the easier its going to be.

Now that you have a list of  your most enjoyable actives, its time to have a really good think about what  skills  you have. The idea is to combine something enjoyable with something your good at doing.  When it comes to skills think about your soft skills such as communication, listing, empathy, and of course time management. You will be surprised how valuable these skills can be when doing your own thing.

So once you have a list of things you like and skills you have its time to get creative and start putting a plan in place. Think about the time you will have to dedicate to you new venture. Do you want something that you can create once and forget (like an online course)  or maybe you have a few hours each day to spend doing admin for someone.  What ever it is make sure you have the time to dedicate to it. Keep in mind it does not have to be something that takes hours.

Finally the next  factor to consider is  affordability and return of investment. By now you should have an idea of what you new venture is going to look like. Before you start you need t think about how much set up costs are going to be and if your return of investment will be worth while. You can easily do this in a few hours via a googgle search and see what others are doing in your niche. Chances are if people are successful then there is a market for your idea. Keep in mind it will take a while  to get everything up and running, so return on investment might be very slow going to start with. No one makes thousands of dollars  straight away!

My company stared off as a little side hustle writing education resources for higher education. I did this while working full time as a training manager. 6 years later its now a fully operation education and training company and my full time job. If someone had told me 6 years ago my little side gig would be what it is now I would have laughed at them!.   Doing your own  thing does not have to be hard, and you never know it might just take off in ways you never would have imagined.