By: Jane Kilkenny
The most important things in life for your child are movement and fun! Being active, playing games and getting outdoors are crucial for their healthy development, both physically, cognitively and emotionally. Strong bones and muscles, a healthy immune system and good cognitive performance all need a healthy dose of activity every day.
The top 3 activities for this age group are swimming, bike riding and playgrounds.
Water safety and learning to swim are essential for children to promote wellness but also ensure safety around water. Teaching your child to swim will give them the skills and the confidence to be safe around water.
Swimming is a great activity for all age groups as it’s a low impact form of cardio training, so it’s a great option for the whole family. The age at which you start swimming lessons for your child varies, some choosing to start under 12 months and others waiting until the child can enter the pool independently with the instructor. There are benefits to both and it depends on what outcomes you seek.
Learning not to panic if submerged in water is one of the keys to prevent drowning. Understanding how to move to safety when accidentally in water, such as falling in pool, will also provide excellent protection for your child. So whatever age you start, be aware of the desired outcomes and focus on building confidence for your child.
Swimming lessons for pre-schoolers are an excellent activity for social, physical and emotional development. Learning to work in a group, listening and following independent instruction and confidently moving in water all have multiple benefits.
Bike riding is a great way to encourage independence for pre-schoolers. The other biggest benefit is balance and learning to control their own centre of gravity. Obviously these skills can be developed slowly with the help of three wheeled bikes or training wheels. The step up from a three wheeled trike to a “big kids bike” with training wheels is a major milestone and should be encouraged when the child is at a suitable level of maturity.
Learning to pedal independently, apply brakes and steer their direction all develop physical and muscular abilities. They also develop decision making and spatial awareness in kids. Learning to be aware of your surroundings, concentrate, and maintain safe speed all impact their ability to achieve confidence in themselves and their skills, an essential aspect of positive mental health.
Playgrounds have come a long way over the years. From a single slide and swing set we now see an amazing array of activity options to delight both kids and parents alike. As with any physical challenge for kids its important to start them off gently with physical and emotional support, being ready to catch at any second. But as they progress your support should be more encouragement than physical contact, letting them explore their skill and confidence levels.
It’s also important to allow kids to make mistakes so that they learn how to improve. Finding the right balance with appropriate risk taking for your child can be scary for a parent. But it is also crucial to allow kids to explore boundaries so they feel safe and confident in their activities.