Is Your Breastfed Baby Getting Enough Milk?  A Lactation Consultant’s Checklist

✨ Worried about your milk supply? You’re not alone! While there’s no fuel gauge on your breasts, there are clear signs your baby is getting enough milk. 💕 From listening for swallows to checking nappies, we’ve got the ultimate checklist to help you trust your body and believe in your boobs! 🍼💪

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Trampoline for Your Family

Embarking on the journey of finding the ideal trampoline for your children can be an exciting and rewarding experience. With so many options available, it’s essential to consider various factors to ensure the right fit for your family’s needs. In… Continue Reading >

The tempting thing to actually avoid when your child reports comments about their body

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics or Facebook page Bayside Dietetics   Maya (identifying details in this story have been changed) came to see me regarding her son this week. With the return to school, she was feeling anxious… Continue Reading >

Foods that Boost Immunity

Are you feeling a bit of Coronavirus (or COVID-19) overload right now? It’s a fast moving story, with information coming from a lot of sources. When we have information overload, we tend to feel a bit confused or helpless. While… Continue Reading >

Baby carriers, what parents need to know

There’s a lot of different types of baby carriers: There are carriers, which are sometimes called pouches. These are usually soft semi-structured carriers that allow baby to face in, and then graduate to other carrying positions including forward facing and… Continue Reading >

Tummy Time 101 for New Parents

For our first post, let’s start at the beginning shall we? Tummy time is the one of the first gross motor developmental activities that almost all parents know is important to do with our babies… However, tummy time can also… Continue Reading >

Weight and Lockdown

By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics Please join my facebook Bayside Dietetics or Instagram @baysidedietetics   While the Oxford English Dictionary adds around 1000 words per update, I couldn’t find thinspiration nor fitspiration in there. I wonder how they… Continue Reading >

Your Thyroid and Fertility

Did you know that your thyroid can be directly linked to your fertility? Your thyroid is a gland in your neck that is responsible for controlling, many bodily functions. This gland produces hormones that help to control your body’s metabolic… Continue Reading >

Save your Feeding Relationship with your Kids

“Mum keeps telling me to watch my weight event though I am 35 years old. I have 2 children at primary school”, Cath (not her real name) told me. “Mum loves to tell me what that I do wrong with… Continue Reading >

Embrace Abundance to Enhance Your Health!

It’s commonly acknowledged these days, that our mindset can radically affect the course of our lives. Whether it’s the way we learn, the way we create success, react to setbacks, manage life’s stressors, and even how our immune system functions……. Continue Reading >