The 10 Reasons for Motherhood Burnout

A few years ago, one of my mentors, Brandi MacDonald — a social worker and trauma-informed counsellor who works with chiropractors — wrote an article about how chiropractors were getting burnout in the healing profession. It sparked something within me,… Continue Reading >

Teen and Big Emotions: How to Navigate Stormy Waters and Survive!

Big emotions and adolescence go together; it’s a fact of life, and we’ve all been through it. But how we get through it is crucial for emotional success as an adult, and that’s where parents and carers play a vital… Continue Reading >

Different strokes for different folks- parenting is no different.

As adults, we often talk to each other about our kids and our own parenting decisions. Some parents overshare, while a few may withdraw. Some may look to each other for advice and sometimes, for validation. Without realising it, we… Continue Reading >

What to do when your child tells you they are being bullied?

Our initial reaction can often be one that is driven by raw feelings of protectiveness, anger and love. Some parents are instinctively driven to contact the bully’s parents and the school, demanding the situation is resolved. While this is not… Continue Reading >