Why children should get excited about reading, writing and illustrating books

Media kindly brought to you by Schoolyard Stories   Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to see your child’s name in print as the author of a book? It’s a proud moment for any parent, teacher, or… Continue Reading >

Nature Connected Kids

Young children have an affinity for our natural world, relishing the company of animals, birds, trees, rocks, shells and places as their special companions and friends. Getting to know our world through encounters with tadpoles, wind, rock pools, caves, ants,… Continue Reading >

How To Manage Christmas For Blended Families

Managing children over the Christmas period can be a challenging time for separated and blended families. Even amicably separated parents can find this conversation triggering and a confronting one to have because any parenting agreement that you might have had, often needs… Continue Reading >

Animal Behaviourist Reveals How to Help Children Express Love to a Feline Family Member

You consider your feline friend a close family member, but have you ever questioned whether your cat loves you too? New research from Fancy FeastÒ reveals that almost two thirds (64%) of cat owners aren’t recognising one of the most… Continue Reading >

School Anxiety After Lockdown: Tips to Help Your Child Cope

Returning to school can be a stressful experience for children at the best of times, but going back to school after extended lockdowns can cause extra anxiety. Although many children and parents are looking forward to the return of school,… Continue Reading >

What you need to know about interpreting dreams & what they’re telling you

Every dreamer’s dream has a personal meaning. A dream dictionary can shine some light on probable interpretations, but ultimately you have to intuitively work out what your dreams mean to you. It will depend on your background, circumstances and emotional… Continue Reading >


I was reading something a bit ago that stated, “In Japan, going along with others is a sign not of weakness but of tolerance, self-control, and maturity in Japan.” Let me start by admitting first, that I’m an individualist, I’m… Continue Reading >

Stopping domestic violence starts in early childhood

Violence against women is preventable because we know that the cycle of violence starts with disrespect. Violence stems from sexist attitudes and disrespect of women and girls such as: that women and girls aren’t as good as men and boys, don’t deserve… Continue Reading >

To my Daughter, with Love

To my Daughter, with Love When your greatest gift stands right in front of you   When rays of sunshine Enter your life Bath in the warmth Of their glow A glow that can only Be given By those we… Continue Reading >

4 Unfortunate Mistakes Parents Make When Supporting Their Children’s Learning (And How They Can Be Fixed)

Helping your children with their learning throughout COVID-19 school lockdowns has been an enormous challenge. And as a teacher, I believe it is you​ the parents​who should be awarded a joint “Australian of the Year” for the way you’ve all… Continue Reading >