How to tell kids the truth about Santa

By Hannah Davison   Kids ask the curliest questions, and almost always without warning. If you’re wondering how and when you have to answer the ‘Is Santa real?’, question, I’m here to help you through it. First, let’s deal with… Continue Reading >

Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC), Choices, challenges and truths.

By; Renee Adair   Since 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that a population caesarean section rate of 10–15% is expectable to ensure mortality rates are kept low for mothers and babies. In Australia today we have a… Continue Reading >

You Are Enough

Validation – this word came up so much this week when I was in clinic listening to the mums and dads. Parents seeking out that they are doing a great job. Sometimes it was just a matter of reassuring them… Continue Reading >

Self-care is a foundation of strength as a parent

I believe that we should take care of ourselves as well as others. I don’t think taking care of others, including our kids, all the time and putting our needs and wants last is a sustainable way to live as… Continue Reading >

Introducing Body Safety to Young Children: Part 1

  Introducing body safety and protective behaviours to our young children can be daunting. Most parents feel ill-equipped; unsure of the information to impart and worried that they might frighten or alarm their child. However, the truth remains that as… Continue Reading >

The Big Secret: An Article for Dads

Hey Dads, gather around, I’ve got a little secret to tell you. It’s a secret that for some reason society and if I’m honest sometimes even us Mum’s, often keep from you. Here’s the truth; you are totally capable and… Continue Reading >