Mother’s Day 2020 – Isolation Style

By Claire Bozikov – @minibossmum   Let’s be real for a minute – Mother’s Day and my birthday are the only two days of the year where I am treated like a queen…and I definitely embrace it to the fullest…. Continue Reading >

Most common baby skin irritations and how to treat them

Media kindly brought to you by Covitol   At some stage or another, every baby will suffer from a temporary skin irritation that sends parents into a panic as they try to bring relief to their little ones. Babies’ delicate,… Continue Reading >

Knocked knees and bowed legs

Many parents may not be aware that bowed legs and knocked knees are a common condition that forms part of a child’s normal bony growth and bony development.  Here is what you need to know about knocked knees and bowed… Continue Reading >

Why does everyone keep checking my baby’s hips?

A midwife or doctor will give your baby a full physical examination soon after birth, they will do a thorough examination of the hips to make sure that they are not stiff to examine, do not fully dislocate or click,… Continue Reading >

Almost 80% of serious burns and scalds to young children occur in the home.

Experts are urging parents and carers to be vigilant and take action to reduce the risks of burns and scalds this winter, a time of heightened burns risk. The call comes at the beginning of National Burns Awareness Month– an… Continue Reading >

Probiotics and Eczema: What Every Parent Needs to Know

One of the most common questions about eczema I receive is: What is the best probiotic to take for eczema? I love hearing this question! It means that many parents are becoming aware that eczema is not just about creams… Continue Reading >

I think my child has a mental health condition – what should I do?

By Haylea Hodges, Youthrive Psychologist   Do not panic! Mental health conditions are quite common and are present in around one in seven children aged 4-17 years. Some of the most common mental health conditions that children present with include… Continue Reading >

The itchy dozen – Top 12 things people living with eczema want you to know

Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) is most common in infants where it occurs in around 1 in 5 children under 2 years of age. It can also occur in older children and adults but usually improves with age. In… Continue Reading >

Zero Childhood Cancer program’s national clinical trial launched today

Australian children suffering with aggressive cancer will have access to personalised treatment in real time, irrespective of where they live thanks to Zero Childhood Cancer programs national trial.  Zero Childhood Cancer program’s national clinical trial has launched today.  Every week… Continue Reading >

Breakthrough Study Discovers Potential Peanut Allergy Cure

The fear of your child suffering from an anaphylactic attack due to peanut allergies may become a thing of the past due a breakthrough in results from the Murdoch Research Institute. Professor Mim Tang, who pioneered this study, discovered a pro-biotic… Continue Reading >