How to Survive Toilet training

By Laundry Queen Nicole Gibson Soka Australia   It can take months to years to master toilet training with children urinating several times per day and the code browns that have you questioning how you should actually start the clean-up… Continue Reading >

4 Signs You’ve Started Toilet Training Too Soon

Knowing when to start toilet training can be complicated. There is no single sign that tells us when our little people are ready to start this process, and in certain cases for even those children who are ready to start… Continue Reading >

The top three issues parents need to call the tradies out for

As any parent knows, children cause a whole world of concerns that our child-free selves would never have thought to question. From blocked toilets to stable hot water; sometimes these issues can’t solve themselves, no matter how much we’d like… Continue Reading >

The top three adjustments to make to your home when you have a toddler

The toddler stage is notoriously challenging for parents: it’s the age when your child starts navigating around on their own, exploring the world around them and inevitably getting into mischief. As a result, safety is a huge concern for parents… Continue Reading >

What’s in your poo and how can it help during Covid-19?

  By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics FB Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic Instagram @baysidedietetics There’s a joke in our house that never fails to get a laugh…Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? Because it wanted to… Continue Reading >

Toilet Training

We are currently in the process of toilet training with our now 3-year-old. We introduced a potty when she was around 2 years. It has taken a lot longer than expected and we have had many setbacks. I had tried whilst I was still… Continue Reading >

When to start night time toilet training

It’s always difficult to know when the best time to start night time toilet training for your child should be. There is no specific date or time to start – it’s really up to your parental intuition and child’s physiological… Continue Reading >

How to start night time toilet training

Are you thinking now is the time to start – but what do I do next?   Read on and get on the road to nappy freedom. Make sure your child avoid drinks 2 hours before bedtime.  Ensure they drink… Continue Reading >