Mindful Eating Tip for Moms on Mother’s Day

For busy moms, it might feel like there is never any downtime, let alone time to eat. Moms are most likely to eat on the run, they have very little time to enjoy their own meals and often feel cheated… Continue Reading >

The Things New Parents Aren’t Told About Their Baby’s Oral Health

So often with new babies, the focus is on breastfeeding, developmental milestones and sleep, and new parents are often in the dark about teeth care for their bubs. For Dental Health Week (August 1-7), the Australian Dental Association (ADA) is… Continue Reading >

How to Steer Clear of A Dental Disaster Post Halloween

Article to be attributed to Tabitha Acret, Dental Hygienist at AIRFLOW© Dental Spa Trick or treat? We’ve just endured Halloween, and while it’s a holiday many kids in Australia are learning to love, dental professionals are often filled with fear. A… Continue Reading >

Teething and Your Baby

For some babies teething seems to be an almost painless process where a parent notices a tooth and there have been no symptoms of teething prior to this. But for many babies there is some pain associated with teeth cutting… Continue Reading >

Simple Ways to Reduce Sugar in Your Child’s Diet

Everyone knows that having too much sugar isn’t good for you, but current data shows a clear upward trend in sugar consumption amongst both children and adults. This increase in sugar consumption is a direct result of the widespread availability… Continue Reading >

What Sugar Is Doing To Your Child’s Teeth | Tabitha Acret | Ep 102

  You’d be hard pressed to find a child that doesn’t love sugar & chocolate. Besides the fact that it tastes great, in most instances we give it to children as a reward when they’re good or during celebrations at… Continue Reading >

What Sugar Is Really Doing To Your Teeth

Article to be attributed to Tabitha Acret, Dental Hygienist at AIRFLOW Dental Spa Sugar is something that we hear about a lot, whether it be via school, doctors, nutritionists, the dentist. The reason why it’s such a hot topic is that it… Continue Reading >


Ah teething – once a baby has settled down out of their newborn colicky phase – we then move onto blaming all unsettled behaviour on teething!   Timing Lots of babies will start putting their hands and other objects in… Continue Reading >

Helpful Hacks for Getting Kids to Care for their Teeth

Article to be attributed to Tabitha Acret, Dental Hygienist at AIRFLOW Dental Spa   Even as a Dental Professional I understand first-hand, the struggle that is trying to get your children to clean their teeth twice a day. There are… Continue Reading >

Firstborn Vs. Secondborn

It is inevitable that parenting your firstborn will be vastly different to any and all subsequent children. With your first child you are completely and utterly thrown in the deep end. Sure you read all the books, attended parenting classes,… Continue Reading >