Signs your child isn’t getting enough sleep due to technology overuse

Struggling to get your child off their device at bedtime? 😩 If late-night scrolling, gaming, or texting is leading to tired mornings, mood swings, and school struggles, their sleep could be suffering more than you think. 😴💤

But here’s the good news—small changes can make a BIG difference! Discover simple ways to encourage healthier tech habits and improve your child’s sleep. 🌙✨

10 Reasons How Technology Benefits Children’s Education

Oh, let’s take a nostalgic trip back in time! Remember when computers were as chunky and hefty as the old TV sets we used to have in our living rooms? And switching them on? Who could forget the unforgettable dial-up… Continue Reading >

Get creative and hop into the Easter spirit!

With Easter fast approaching we parents may be rattling our brains for holiday activities that’ll keep the kids entertained without being glued to technology. Craft activities are perfect for keeping kids amused and allows for kids to unleash their creativity… Continue Reading >

Sleep Facts for Parents: Things you should know about sleep deprivation

Why is sleep so important? Sleep is vital for children’s and adolescents’ wellbeing. Evidence shows that children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have more trouble learning. They are less attentive and motivated, have poor problem solving, increased… Continue Reading >

Helping Your Child Write

One thing I often hear as a teacher is the difficulty of getting reluctant writers to write. Unfortunately, despite all the advances in technology, writing is still a very important skill to learn, however, for our children, writing isn’t as… Continue Reading >

Autistic Young People and Pornography

Last year, I attended an amazingly insightful presentation regarding Autism, Young People and the impact of pornography hosted by eSafeKids founder Kaylene Kerr and presented by Maree Crabbe and Dr Wen Lawson. This presentation was hugely interesting and gave me… Continue Reading >

Putting the ‘Play’ in Holiday Play Time

Enriching your child’s free time with performance and play By Heidi Manche, Founder of Room to Play Kids and Teens Studio   It’s nearing June…which means the countdown is on until the winter school holidays. And this of course comes… Continue Reading >

New Treatment for Mastitis: What You Need To Know | Pinky McKay| Ep 210

You may have heard the proverb, it takes a village to raise a child, and for so many reasons in our hectic busy and stressful day-to-day lives these days it’s not always possible to receive direct support and guidance from… Continue Reading >

Here is what you don’t know about AI that could harm you and your children

Do you like sci-fi? I love it. Since I was a young girl, sci-fi has captured my imagination. I couldn’t get enough of it. I loved reading Isaac Asimov’s books and wouldn’t miss a Star Trek episode. I loved watching… Continue Reading >

Screen Time for Children

In today’s times, children do not know what it is to simply sit, have a look around and enjoy the ambiance or even smile and have a chat with a neighbor. This is so because, in such life situations, their… Continue Reading >