We all experience anger, fear, frustration, sadness, rejection, disappointment, jealousy, and guilt at different times; they are simply part of being human. Uncomfortable emotions are unavoidable, but how we respond to them is our choice. Teaching children how to cope… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by Britax Car rides with infants and young children can be challenging at the best of times and for a multitude of reasons – restlessness, boredom, and squabbling amongst siblings in the backseat can… Continue Reading >
Separation anxiety is when a child has excessive reactions to separation from caregivers – whether real or imagined. It’s pretty common, affecting somewhere between 4 to 5 percent of kids. That’s 1 child out of every 20 to 25 kids…. Continue Reading >
As a mum of four boys. Believe me when I say I get it when people say their kids are not listening. Some days I feel like I tell one of my kids to put their shoes on 17 times… Continue Reading >
Secrets – Why teach it? Secrets. It’s a tricky topic. We encourage our kids to tell the truth, to value honesty and maybe even that telling secrets is rude.. but the truth is, we need to talk to our kids… Continue Reading >
TRIGGER WARNING – THIS BLOG POST CONTAINS THE DISCUSSION OF CHILD ABUSE MATERIAL! I had a young person contact me yesterday asking for HELP. The young person had been shared a link to a website in which they were pressured to… Continue Reading >
By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Follow Bayside Dietetics on Facebook I can still see the love in the room when Sophie* sat down between her parents in my clinic. She was now twelve and having a significant… Continue Reading >
A cancer diagnosis brings with it a whole world of uncertainty, especially for kids. But when it is one of your children who is diagnosed, it can be hard to know what to say to your other children about their… Continue Reading >
As a paediatric speech pathologist the question “how many words should my child be saying?”, or “should my child be talking more?” is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions I hear from families. There is often a lot… Continue Reading >
As parents we are often under a lot of pressure to keep the proverbial plates spinning in the air. Many times, in our efforts to get everything done, we don’t pay enough attention to how we speak to our children…. Continue Reading >
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