How to Graduate Your Child Successfully into Adulthood

Your child needs resiliency, authenticity, and entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in life. Unfortunately, our system is not set up to give your child these gifts. Instead, our system is set up to do the opposite. We are starting to see… Continue Reading >

Starting the day right – setting your child up for a successful day.

Have you ever thought about how the start of the day affects your child’s day at school? How we start our day really does set us up for how the rest of our day runs, which is why starting the… Continue Reading >

It’s how you raise a confident, successful child

We all want to succeed, but do you give yourself permission to do so? We need to take risks and try new things to learn, grow, and better understand what we want to do. Taking risks comes in different shapes… Continue Reading >

My 2 secret ingredients for successful family dinners 

You are not going to believe this is not about food at all! But if you saw this video of parents pretending to serve dinner to their children as if in a restaurant, you felt it, the love and the connection… Continue Reading >

Starting High School:  Managing anxiety

Flashback to 2017 and “WOW”.  It seems like only yesterday I was attending his kindergarten graduation and stressing over what Primary school would hold for him.  How would he ever cope?  How would he fit in?  Would he make friends? … Continue Reading >

What are the benefits of having a home based tutor?

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a series of tests focused on basic skills that are administered annually to Australian students. NAPLAN is an annual assessment, run at the direction of the Education Council, for all students in… Continue Reading >

Fun Foods for Fussy Eaters

Most children go through a stage in their lives where they become fussy eaters. This often happens when the children’s growth has slowed down and they do not need to eat as much as they did previously. My eldest had… Continue Reading >