I love the school holidays! While for some families the challenges of occupying ‘bored’ children and juggling work commitments can be stressful, I embrace the slowing of routine, reduced scheduled activities, home projects and the general lack of structure. It’s… Continue Reading >
There has been lots of controversy over how much your child’s backpack is going to weigh. How much does your child’s schoolbag weigh? It is suggested that a child’s schoolbag irrespective of their age their schoolbag should weigh about 10%… Continue Reading >
By Carlie Maree Our family lasted exactly 1.5 days with the learning our school provided. Very quickly we knew that the only way for us to do learning-at-home was to do it our own way. We’d had a head… Continue Reading >
Elisabeth Shaw, CEO, Relationships Australia NSW Children need others to thrive. Not only do they need their physical needs met, they need to be loved and safe within relationships. Through those relationships, they develop the assuredness that they can… Continue Reading >
By Amy McAlister, Youthrive Chief Operating Officer and Speech Pathologist Learning Disorder Specific to Reading and Writing – AKA Dyslexia – comes in all shapes and sizes and looks different for every person. For children, dyslexia is typically identified… Continue Reading >
Aussie Allergy Mum is all about supporting allergy families. This month I decided to ask the mums in our Facebook group to share there best advice for other allergy families that might be recently diagnosed or currently struggling. Below… Continue Reading >
Co-living is on the rise, and the demographics of those who choose to share their homes is expanding — roommates aren’t just for college kids and young professionals. Where once a struggling single parent only alternative to living alone was to… Continue Reading >
Since the de-funding of the Safe Schools Coalition initiative in NSW, there has been little in the way of support for teaching staff, students and their families struggling with ways to incorporate LGBTIQ awareness and inclusivity within their schools, which… Continue Reading >
When we see our kids struggling to do an independent task, it can be difficult to watch as they are frustrated and it’s a challenge to resist helping them. We want our kids to succeed but how can we foster… Continue Reading >
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