Kemar Meaningful Directions

Kemar Meaningful Directions is a specialist wellbeing service that runs online or face-to-face group programs focused on helping women to: reconnect with themselves, understand their core values, engage in self-compassion, learn techniques for overcoming unhelpful thoughts and unwanted emotions, and develop steps on how… Continue Reading >

When to seek help with fertility?

This varies a little bit based on age. For women under 35, if you have been trying to conceive for a year and have not become pregnant, then I advise seeking help. Usually around 80-90% of women under the age… Continue Reading >

The Dangers of “Too Good” Parenting: Dr Simon Kinsella, Clinical Psychologist

There is so much emphasis on best practice parenting that very little time is given talking about how much is enough.  If you read a bit about parenting you’ll come across lots ideas about not letting kids cry, keeping the… Continue Reading >