How to prepare for a baby, 20 questions every parent should ask themselves before the new arrival.

Whether it is your first child or your fifth child, preparing for your baby often includes a lot of preparing for the material things that goes along with the nesting process, do we have baby clothes, bassinet, cot, cool hipster… Continue Reading >

Should you see a Women’s Health Dietitian?

Women’s health status is influenced by a whole range of different factors – biological, social, cultural, environmental and economic. Additionally, women have different health needs to men (as expected) due to our ability to become pregnant, menstruate and more. In… Continue Reading >

How to Spark Your Child’s ImagiNation

Media kindly brought to you by ImagiNation Children’s Festival. Every parent wants to raise their child to reach their highest intellectual, social and emotional potential. Not only this but to provide their children with a childhood filled with fun, happiness,… Continue Reading >

What DO children REALLY need?

by Jay Anderson   Such a simple question.  But, think about it for a while.  Where to start?  Perhaps the answer is simple.  Maybe.  Perhaps it is complex.  A comprehensive and detailed set of components, significant….what do you think? Ok,… Continue Reading >

3 Ways to Avert Bullying

What social psychology can teach us about how to deal with bullying. We all have days when people are not particularly nice to us but bullying is a whole new level of mean that can leave people feeling completely disempowered…. Continue Reading >

How to Raise Good Little People

Does your kid smile at complete strangers? Offer to help someone in need? Say please, thank you and excuse me? Show compassion, kindness and respect at all times? Invite and include everyone in their classroom to their birthday parties? If… Continue Reading >