Balancing Quarantined Life with Single or Solo Parenting | Rachael Scharrer | Ep 24

There is no doubt the challenges we are facing, collectively here in Australia and throughout the globe due to COVID-19 are far beyond anything that we ever thought was possible. Until now the complex, incomprehensible and distressing reality of a… Continue Reading >

Balancing Quarantined Life with Single or Solo Parenting

We are experiencing unprecedented times. We are learning about the new phenomenon of ‘social distancing’ and for many people they are facing isolation due to health concerns or government regulations. For divorced primary carer parents, the social restrictions make it… Continue Reading >

The wonderful ways kids benefit from having a single parent.

Single parenting is not a trend or a passing phenomenon.  There are 50,000 more single parents in Australia every 5 years and currently, it sits at around 959,000 of us.  So, it’s safe to say the numbers won’t decrease. As… Continue Reading >


If I could meet myself as I was 2 years ago and, just starting out on the single mum journey I would have said to myself  ‘where your energy goes is where your attention flows”.  Obviously, hindsight doesn’t really help… Continue Reading >

Share Abode: Great News for Single Parents

No two paths to single parenthood are alike. Nobody can pretend to know the journey of another, however, if we pay attention we can learn from their lessons along the way. Single-parent families are now the fastest-growing family type in Australia. In… Continue Reading >