Ever noticed that some environments make you and your kids feel stressed? Maybe it’s the mall, the play centre or that stylish but unbelievably noisy cafe around the corner. Those are busy places with hard surfaces, bright lights and constant… Continue Reading >
By Melanie Bouras, Paediatric Dietitian Youthrive It’s important to understand the sensory system, and how it often impacts on the foods we choose to eat or refuse to eat. The Sensory System involves; Sight Touch Smell Sound The food… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by Sophie la girafe It’s time to roll out the birthday cake on May 25th, to wish Sophie the giraffe a very happy 60th Anniversary and celebrate her status as the world’s most beloved… Continue Reading >
From your child’s first day of life to approximately five years, 90% of their brain development occurs. Every sight, smell, sound and sensation makes an impact. Your babies brain develops through use, therefore your baby needs an environment that provides… Continue Reading >
Nature is full of wonder and intrigue – especially for young minds and adventurers. It is full of lessons, life cycles at every conceivable stage, vibrant colours, rich and complex scents. Things that are essential for a growing and curious… Continue Reading >
By stimulating your child’s senses, (touch, smell, taste, vestibular, proprioception, sight and hearing) you are helping them flourish in all areas of development. Sensory activities facilitate exploration and help children to make connections through their senses and the world in… Continue Reading >
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