Easy Tips for Kids to Help Them Identify Emotions

Identifying emotions can be challenging for adults. Let alone for kids. All the more reasons why parents need to start talking and teaching their children about emotional intelligence at an early age. Basic emotions such as being happy, sad, scared,… Continue Reading >

How to Rebuild Your Self-worth in Motherhood

When she is blooming, she is seen. When baby arrives, she disappears. Why do we move from one extreme to the next when honouring women? Her worth does not diminish when the baby arrives. What is the difference between nourishing… Continue Reading >

Sociological and psychological reasons why children lie and how to support them not to lie.

One of the forefront reasons children tell lies is saving self or what in psychology we know as self-preservation. The fear of disappointing those in whom eyes they want to be seen as good. Socially, imagine letting down those that… Continue Reading >

Why I struggle to be a good friend

I used to be a great friend, well I think I was.   Then Anxiety and depression reared its ugly head, I felt like it was downhill from there. My friendships changed when I had my kids, I couldn’t drop… Continue Reading >