đź’Ş Top 10 Tips for Creating a Body Positive Culture for You and Your Children 🌱 is here! As the year kicks into full gear and the lingering summer vibes keep us in that ‘New Year, New You’ fitness mindset, before you dive into yet another resolution, let’s rethink what health really means. It’s not about fitting into a mold—it’s about feeling confident and strong in your body. 🌟
In our latest article, we discuss how to build a body-positive mindset, ditch unrealistic standards, and raise kids who embrace their unique health journey. Ready to join the movement? đź’¬
 by Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet I feel the need to write about Self-Denial. I find very little is written about this topic or spoken about it. But most mother’s I meet in need of help have been in… Continue Reading >
by Dr. Scott Zarcinas Emotions should come with some kind of warning when we are born, and the warning should be: Buyer beware—emotions are powerful! Emotions can be the fuel driving you toward success, or they can be the… Continue Reading >
It’s February, the month we celebrate love. We spend so much time loving and caring for others but sometimes we forget about extending that love to ourselves. When you get on a plane, they tell you to put your oxygen… Continue Reading >
Empathy is the ability to share and understand the feelings of another. It involves placing yourself in someone else’s shoes. From this vital trait stems 3 additional critical elements. Emotional Regulation Those who are empathic are not only well acquainted… Continue Reading >
You have just bought your beautiful baby home from the hospital and you are so in love, exhausted and overwhelmed all at the same time. Suddenly your relationship to your partner has taken a back seat and not only has… Continue Reading >
Postpartum bodies. It’s such an emotive topic in my mind. 19 weeks ago today I gave birth to my third son. I gained 12kgs when pregnant- my smallest amount for a pregnancy- and lost 10kgs within a fortnight. Job well… Continue Reading >
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