School Homework Tips for Parents

With the benefits of homework established, especially for senior students, the skill set of an independent learner is one that parents can help their children begin to develop from a young age, through the routine of study and homework. Although… Continue Reading >

Budget mum blogger shares her tips for heading back to school in 2022

By Madonna Bechaz – @the.other.madonna   With the end of the year just around the corner, Christmas will fly by and soon enough we’ll have to think about getting ready for a new school year. It. Never. Ends! For kids… Continue Reading >

Off to a Great Start – Helping Autistic Children to Have a Successful Start to the Year

New year & new routines: Tips for transitioning children who need structure Preparing autistic children for a successful start to the new school year can feel daunting for parents. Whether starting school for the first time, moving to a new… Continue Reading >

Breakfast Tips and Recipes to Kick Start the School Day

by Susie Burrell   Perhaps one of the most important events in the school calendar, the end of year exam period can be a stressful and difficult time for students and parents alike. However, with endless aisles dedicated to snacks… Continue Reading >

What is The Secret Value Of Your Child Learning Coding and STEM in Online Classes? | Adam Jacobs| Ep 187

  In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, a lot of us are thinking about the world we are leaving the next generation and what we need to do to help children be prepared for their future. Your child’s employability… Continue Reading >

Catching up after COVID: How to Get your Child’s Education Back on Track

Media kindly brought to you by Cluey Learning   Has my child’s education suffered as a result of the pandemic? It’s a thought which has likely crossed the mind of every Australian parent over the past 18 months. Much has… Continue Reading >

Class Size and Teacher Quality

One of the most emotional topics when it comes to primary school education is class size. Some parents are often concerned about the size of the class and the impact that the number of children will have on their own… Continue Reading >

How to Nutritionally Incorporate Chocolate within After School Snacks

With World Chocolate Day approaching on 7 July, it’s time to jazz up your kids’ afternoon snacks and inject a bit of chocolate without compromising their health. Leading dietitian, nutritionist and mother of two, Susie Burrell, says that children should… Continue Reading >

Expert Tips To Determine If a Child is Ready to Start Primary School | Andrew Oberthur | Ep 166

  We’ve arrived at the point of the year where parents need to make the decision if their preschooler is ready to commence primary school next year, or not. This is determined by the cut-off dates for your state or… Continue Reading >

5 Tips to Help Children with ADHD Focus at School

School can be a very frustrating place for children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) but finding effective strategies to help them stay focused can make a huge difference to the success of your child’s education and overall happiness. Why… Continue Reading >