How was school today?

How many times have you asked, “How was school today?” and gotten nothing but silence in return? 🙄 It’s not just about what your child did—it’s about how they’re growing and learning! 🌱✨

Want to connect with your child through meaningful conversations? Start by asking questions that go beyond “What did you do today?” These simple, yet powerful questions will help you explore their learning journey, celebrate their wins 🏆, and embrace challenges together. 📚💪

Let’s make learning something to talk about, cherish, and look forward to every day! 💬💖

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Start today—ask the right questions and watch your child’s love for learning blossom! 🌸📚

Starting School

Do you have a little one about to start school – if so, you might be talking about this and possibly even doing some orientations at the school! Becoming a school kid is a big, big milestone. It is an… Continue Reading >

The Back to School Blues: When you don’t want your child to return to school

I love the school holidays! While for some families the challenges of occupying ‘bored’ children and juggling work commitments can be stressful, I embrace the slowing of routine, reduced scheduled activities, home projects and the general lack of structure. It’s… Continue Reading >

Preparing For School When Your Child Has Allergies

Starting school is a big step for any child. Add food allergies to the mix, and it can make parents feel extremely anxious. However, remember there are hundreds of children who attend school with allergies successfully with no incidents. Managing allergies at school… Continue Reading >

Starting BIG school

Parent Educator and mum of four, Gen Muir shares four tips to help prepare your little one for the beginning of their school journey.   All around the country parents and kids are gearing up for the start of a… Continue Reading >

A new year brings change.

For many, young and old, a new year brings with it change. It may be a new mum heading back to work, a young child moving up rooms at daycare, a 4-year-old entering the world of schooling, new year classes,… Continue Reading >

Choosing the Right School

When it comes to finding the right school for your child, you want to make sure they’re in a place where they can learn and grow. Of course, that doesn’t mean the school has to be fancy—it just needs to… Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Establish a Positive Relationship With School

Education can be a real battleground for parents, particularly if your child has a diagnosis or disability. It can be a battle to find the right educational setting for your child, let alone getting your child’s needs met. It can… Continue Reading >

Are your kids getting enough exercise?

Exercise and regular physical activity in children and adolescents is important in promoting lifelong health and well-being. Ensuring your child gets adequate exercise can be done at home and at school.   What are the benefits of exercise? Exercise helps… Continue Reading >

Chores – ideas for encouragement from an early age

How young should you encourage children to start household chores? As parents we constantly look to others, fellow parents and experts alike, to confirm that we’re ‘doing it right’. Nutrition, milestones, health, schooling, extra-curricular activities – how much, when, and… Continue Reading >