How building a supportive village at home helped Genevive Gregson get her ticket to the Olympic Village in Paris

After rupturing her Achilles tendon at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, Genevive Gregson found a window in her normally vigorous schedule to start a family.  Genevieve feared that she may never get back to elite form not only after her injury,… Continue Reading >

Parenting Tips for Building Essential Skills in Children

Your child needs resiliency, authenticity, and an entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in life. Unfortunately, our system is not set up to give your child these gifts. We are starting to see the product of this through the increased rates of… Continue Reading >

Building Resilience Through Play

Being resilient is an integral part of a child’s development and helps bolster mental health and well-being. Resilience is a character trait that we build and as such we can help our children become more resilient, meaning they will be… Continue Reading >

What is Play?

Play provides a rich and dynamic context for fostering the skills, attitudes, and behaviours that are essential for development. There are three fundamental pillars that we need to bring back to parenting approaches to significantly improve a child’s life. The… Continue Reading >

How to Graduate Your Child Successfully into Adulthood

Your child needs resiliency, authenticity, and entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in life. Unfortunately, our system is not set up to give your child these gifts. Instead, our system is set up to do the opposite. We are starting to see… Continue Reading >

Back-to-School Confidence Crisis? Here’s A Magical Toolkit for Confidence, Empowerment and Resilience

As the sun sets on the lazy days of summer, a sense of anticipation lingers in the air, marking the approaching return to school. A quiet hum of emotions fills the spaces between parents and children within this transition. The… Continue Reading >

Joyful Feeding Resilience: Navigating Milestones at 6 Months

As your little one reaches the exciting age of 6 months, the journey of parenting takes a new turn filled with both joyous moments and unexpected challenges, especially when it comes to introducing solids. In this blog post, we will… Continue Reading >

How to Cultivate Mindfulness in Children: The Little Potion Co’s Enchanting Journey into Mindful Magic

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, teaching children the art of mindfulness is like giving them a superpower. This essential life tool lays the groundwork for emotional well-being and equips them to navigate life’s currents with clarity of… Continue Reading >

Separation Anxiety

It is natural for young children to feel anxious when saying goodbye. Even though separation anxiety is a normal stage of development it is very difficult to cope with. Being empathic to the child in supporting them through the anxiety… Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Role-model Resilience (when you’re struggling)

By Hannah Davison   Turn back the clock four years to 12:02 am, Monday, 14th November 2016. I held my son as the violent 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake wreaked havoc around us. It tore through our home with a monstrous… Continue Reading >