The Keys To Understanding Your Child

One moment I was married and a father and then the next, I was raising 3 sons on my own. The youngest being 4 years old, and his older brothers, 11 and 12. At the same time I was in… Continue Reading >

Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson – Teaching Personal Safety in the Early Years

As anyone who has accidentally sworn in from of a 4-year-old knows, children soak up enormous amount of knowledge during early childhood. While the early childhood phase is often recognised as an important time to embed literacy and numeracy skills, it… Continue Reading >

National Stepfamilies Day Australia

The last Sunday in July is National Stepfamilies Day – a day which recognises and celebrates the many different family types in Australia and acknowledges the important role stepparents can play in childrens’ lives. It might be a new concept… Continue Reading >

The Power of Words

When I was a child there was a saying ‘Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. How wrong is that? Many years later I heard a wise person say it should be ‘Sticks and… Continue Reading >

My Child Has Received a Diagnosis – What Now?

Receiving a diagnosis for your child can be devastating. It’s confronting to have your fears confirmed, hear the condition said out loud and seea diagnosis next to your child’s name for the first time. A diagnosis for your child makes… Continue Reading >

Introducing Body Safety to Young Children: Part 2

 As discussed in last month’s blog ‘Introducing Body Safety to Young Children: Part 1’ it is essential that every parent takes the time to educate and empower their young children about keeping their body safe. Whilst Part 1 details the… Continue Reading >

Would you Recognise an Allergic Reaction?

Often when talking to people, they share their confusion about how to know if someone is having an allergic reaction. In order to be able to help someone, you kind of need to be able to recognise the situation. So… Continue Reading >

World Honey Bee Day

By Becky Searles – Family Garden Life   In celebration of World Honey Bee Day, we thought it was the perfect time to get buzzing in the garden with the kids. It’s a great reminder for our kids to recognise… Continue Reading >