At what age do you start teaching your child about consent? Teaching Consent A young child can be taught consent as soon as they are able to hold a face washer/flannel in the bath or shower. Even before they can… Continue Reading >
As discussed in last month’s blog ‘Introducing Body Safety to Young Children: Part 1’ it is essential that every parent takes the time to educate and empower their young children about keeping their body safe. Whilst Part 1 details the… Continue Reading >
Did you know that according to the Australian Institute of Criminology’s website 12% of girls and 4.5% of boys will report being sexually abused by the time they’re 15? Statistically, this means that in every Aussie primary school class of… Continue Reading >
by Bessie Hassan Travelling with kids is one of the best parts of being a parent. Holidays are a great way to create memories as a family. But one of the toughest parts of travelling with younger children is keeping… Continue Reading >