By Jane Kilkenny   Humans are designed to move and it’s starts before we are even born into this world.  Those first flutters that a woman feels when she is pregnant confirm the very existence of that growing baby. From… Continue Reading >

It’s about the journey, not the destination: Nurturing your child’s confidence and social independence 

Those blissful early childhood and primary school years can seem like they will last forever. It’s a time when our kids are still largely dependent on us for most things and, just when you’ve got the hang of it, suddenly… Continue Reading >

Helping our Kids Set SMART Goals

Goal setting gives us focus, allows us to measure our progress, overcome procrastination, help with motivation, manage stress and anxiety and helps us to develop resilience, to problem solve and bounce back from perceived failures. The trick is to make… Continue Reading >

How to help your late walker take their first independent steps

A child taking their first independent steps is a pretty big milestone in any parent’s life. Typically developing children generally learn to walk any time between nine months and eighteen months of age.  If your child is a late walker… Continue Reading >

Your First Parent-Teacher progress Interview?

It is your child’s first year of ‘big school’ and parent-teacher meetings are fast approaching.  You might not have the faintest idea, except to ask, ‘So, how is Sam going at school?’ It’s been ages since you’ve set foot in… Continue Reading >

Mums Feed Your Soul

I’ve nearly been a mum for ten years. During these years I feel like who I am has changed, or more like it the perception of who I am has. Before kids I was eager to climb the corporate ladder,… Continue Reading >