Rags to Riches Plot – choosing people who support you is an important skill for us all

This story line, in its simplest form for young children, is about wishing to have attributes that we see in others. For older children, it is about adolescence, pimples, bodies changing… Need I say more! An ordinary, insignificant person, dismissed… Continue Reading >

The Quest Plot – thrills and spills!

The magic of a QUEST is the thrill of the chase, the excitement of being thwarted from getting to claim the prize, and the tremendous challenges that come along the way.   It is the perfect plot line for any… Continue Reading >

Overcoming the Monster

Everything about the idea of introducing you to the seven plots used in story is exciting because it is with the intention of giving you a load of ideas about the books you choose for your child, especially when you… Continue Reading >

I’m all about books and I am pleased to meet you!

Hello! I’m smiling as I write, reaching out to you through these words, excited about sharing as much as I possibly can about books! I was thinking of how I would introduce myself and started with conventional ‘I’m a mother… Continue Reading >