By Doula and IBCLC, Birth Aims Pregnancy can be a whirlwind of emotional and physical change for women. The changes a woman experiences will be different dependent on her body, the pregnancy, her hormone levels, placenta placement, pre-existing conditions…the… Continue Reading >
Pregnancy represents one of the most magical times in the life of any woman. While the miracle of birth cannot be denied, it is also an unfortunate fact that many women will suffer from a handful of unwanted side effects…. Continue Reading >
I think we’d all agree that the birth of child is a divine miracle, during the 9 months in the lead up to the baby’s arrival a women’s body goes through many physical transformations. Despite that every women will have… Continue Reading >
Life after the birth of baby is never really the same, & with good reason, as your focus is on the health & wellbeing of the little human you’ve created & have just brought into the world. Following the… Continue Reading >