Does your child struggle to throw and catch a ball? Are they always the last to finish their running race? Delayed motor skills can impact your child’s confidence and ability to keep up with their peers on the playground and… Continue Reading >
Miniland dolls are internationally award winning, designed and manufactured in Spain. They help children to understand the concept of family, population groups and cultural diversity with inclusivity being the core value of this Doll maker. They are manufactured from Eco-Friendly and non toxic Phytalates-free vinyl which also makes the doll soft and flexible to touch.
Painting and drawing are two of the most fundamental ways children express themselves during childhood. These creative activities offer numerous benefits, from fostering brain development to facilitating emotional expression. By engaging in painting and drawing, children stimulate their brains, improve… Continue Reading >
Are you ready to embark on a magical journey with your child? Meet Bitzee Magicals, the newest addition to the Bitzee family! This toy is redefining the future of play by bringing a touch of magic to everyday life. These… Continue Reading >
Why do babies love dropping things? The simple answer is: they’re curious and they want to see what will happen. Will the object make a noise when it hits the ground? How far will it bounce? They’re also trying to… Continue Reading >
As adults we’re all aware of the joy of music. Whether it’s singing along to the radio as we drive, celebrating while you worship or belting out your band’s favourite tune when you see them play live, it’s embedded into… Continue Reading >
From a very early age we see babies begin to navigate using their hands and fingers to explore the environment around them. Fine motor skills move through different stages of development as an important part of early childhood. When it… Continue Reading >
Gardening is one of the best things you can do, but involving your children can also have enormous benefits for the entire family. Not only will your kids have fun and spend time outside reaping the many rewards of this… Continue Reading >
With all of the technology and structured indoor activities available to our children, it sometimes seems as though playing outside in the fresh air and amongst nature is an old-fashioned ideal. However, nature play is not just a ‘nice to… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by Hape Children of all ages benefit significantly from open-ended play and having fun. Toys are an excellent method to help children learn to spark their creativity, move their bodies, make new friends, solve… Continue Reading >
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