How to Better Manage Sibling Relationships

It’s the eternal question that challenges every parent – how can we better manage the relationships between our kids? If your family is anything like mine, stress and strife characterise sibling relationships. In my house, there’s the 14 yo older… Continue Reading >

Mindfully Loving Your Newborn

By Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet. There is no doubt that a mother’s love for her newborn is nothing short of profound and surreal.  The hormones flooding our body also make it impossible not to feel “high on love”.  There… Continue Reading >

How to Raise Good Little People

Does your kid smile at complete strangers? Offer to help someone in need? Say please, thank you and excuse me? Show compassion, kindness and respect at all times? Invite and include everyone in their classroom to their birthday parties? If… Continue Reading >

Celebrating the power of girls!

October 11th is International Day of the Girl celebrating the power of girls, highlighting the barriers they face, promotes their rights and highlights gender inequalities. There’s no doubt the world is slowly but surely seeing a shift in changing the stereotypes… Continue Reading >